Monday, November 26, 2012

Relocating the San Diego!

Amoreena Photography is relocating to the San Diego area!  For the months of Dec-Jan Amoreena will be offering 50% off of her portrait packages!  So give me a call at 650-224-1796 or email 

Looking forward to beach portrait sessions! 
I also have a dedicated home studio in my new house!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

San Diego, here I come!

Here is Anya, only a few weeks old!  And of course my daughter getting in the mix with her Elmo doll. She was concerned Anya's brother was going to take her Elmo.

Amoreena Photography has relocated to the San Diego area!  Yey!  From Dec - Feb this year I will be giving 50% off all portraits (family, newborn, child photography).  Contact me for further details. - 650-224-1796

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Our Family Photos!

Even we got a head start on our family photos! I took this one of my husband, Josh and Sophia. We love Lake Temescal for family portraits, has such a beautiful backdrop.  I know I keep saying this but it really looks different every time I work there.

Monday, September 10, 2012

My family

Getting ready to photograph family portraits and my little family came along to the park too, so they helped me set up and do some test shots.  My daughter is almost 2 years old and is quite trained with the camera since she is frequently a test subject before I start working. These are some of my favorites. Luckily this blue blanket ended up matching well with their outfits!  Who knew?!

Singing Itsy Bitsy Spider, one of her favorite songs. Singing songs is a great way to engage toddlers during a family portrait, if they like songs and like to sing.  Most toddlers like to at least watch the adults sing if they don't join in themselves.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Harlan & Page

I had the privilege of photographing Harlan for the 3rd time and his momma, Page due with her second little one! This is one of my favorite spots lately at Lake Temescal since it has a variety of spots and great lighting with beautiful trees and the lake. Harlan was a ham and made child photography seem easy. Seems like the last two boys I have photographed have been really easy!

Love this one with the blanket bringing out his beautiful blue eyes! You are going to be a heart breaker Harlan!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Pratt's Family Portrait Session

The Pratt's welcomed a new addition to the family and so we used the session as a combination infant portrait session and family portrait session. I allow my clients to do whatever it is this want to do within their photo session that way they can maximize the time they have for the price of one session.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Parker Girls!

 Parker girls shoot in Washington Burlingame Park...great girls, great location, equals great photos!

The girls found this tree to climb in and it made for some really fun photographs.  The key is to get children to have fun...have them jump, climb, walk, look at each other and interact...don't make it forced.

The dog was a great addition...luckily he was easy and I love the funny look the dog gave me below.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sunshine's Family

Beautiful fun shots done of Sunshine and her family with a new addition on the way. This little guy was a great model!  He was super easy for a toddler!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sophia turns 20 months!

Sometimes the best photographs are taken in the moment without the perfect outfit on, in the perfect setting...this was taken on a family trip just standing on the porch of a house. Not sure how she did that little cute hand gesture but I was fortunate enough to have a real camera on me at the time!  Rare these days with the smart phones, I know...I am guilty of it too, but I am trying to make an effort and bring it out more to get some better photos that will last a lifetime.  This bottom one I have enlarged to a canvas 16X20 print.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Goldstein's at Lake Temescal

Here are the Goldstein's with baby Sofia at Lake Temescal in Oakland. Great park to take family portraits, it has a variety backgrounds to work with.